Vibes web3 music 🎢 competition week 31. A cover of CRY FOR HELP. by adaezeinchrist

Welcome 😊 back to vibes web3 music competition week 31. A very wonderful week to everyone out there. For this week I want to go back to the 2000. Bringing those lyrics from the past and give it life is a very beautiful thing.

In this our age we have forgotten alot of things that took place in the past and I love the way we were asked to go and bring those old songs up and make it live again among us.

One of the major thing I love from those old songs is that it teaches us good morals. We seem to have forgotten about what we should know. We seem carried away by what is moving on around us that we have thrown away good morals. But all thanks to the moderators of vibes web3 music competition, lead by @lordbutterfly who thought it wise that we go back and bring those old songs that have a lot of moral lessons in them.

The cover that I decided to do for this week has a lot of moral lessons for us. First of all the title says - A CRY FOR HELP! This is like someone seeking for help. But this type of help is not the usual one that we are used to. This is the cry unto God to help his people.

This is Igbo songs that means that your body is the temple of Jehovah, so keep your body for his glory.

My promotional video
