Vibes web3 music 🎵 competition week 11.


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This is amazing getting to know how great this community is doing in our lives. We are practically brought together by vibes web3 music competition because we all love songs and we can use our talents to bless other souls. I want to say a big shout out to @lordbutterfly and his team members who are working tirelessly to see this community go higher every week.

For this week I will be doing a cover of a beautiful song. The song is by Ellis J. crum. It is a song that reminds me of the price that was paid to set me free. I committed the crime, but someone else paid for the wrong that I have done. This is so sweet to hear that. I wish that every one listening to this cover will understand the price that has been paid for us.

You can get the full song here

This is part of the lyrics 👇
He paid a debt He did not owe
I owed a debt I could not pay
I needed someone to wash my sins away
And now I sing a brand new song
Amazing Grace
Christ Jesus paid a debt that I could never pay

Thanks alot for coming around and do have a great weekend.


Es increíble saber lo bien que le está yendo a esta comunidad en nuestras vidas. Prácticamente estamos unidos por el concurso de música vibes web3 porque a todos nos encantan las canciones y podemos usar nuestros talentos para bendecir a otras almas. Quiero agradecer enormemente a @lordbutterfly y a los miembros de su equipo que están trabajando incansablemente para que esta comunidad crezca cada semana. Para esta semana estaré haciendo un cover de una hermosa canción. La canción es de Ellis J. Crum. Es una canción que me recuerda el precio que se pagó para liberarme. Yo cometí el delito, pero otro pagó por el mal que hice. Es tan dulce escuchar eso. Deseo que todos los que escuchen esta versión comprendan el precio que se ha pagado por nosotros. Puedes obtener la canción completa aquí Esto es parte de la letra 👇 Pagó una deuda que no debía Tenía una deuda que no podía pagar. Necesitaba a alguien que lavara mis pecados Y ahora canto una canción nueva Gracia asombrosa Cristo Jesús pagó una deuda que yo nunca pude pagar Muchas gracias por venir y que tengas un gran fin de semana.

Here is the link to my tweet.

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Ma'am, will you borrow me this your mike. LoLs 😂 just kidding you are doing absolutely well ma'am


Wow great energy and laughter.Very nice presentation and songs to be mesmerized by.You have put in a great effort today too so all the best to you.


Listening to this song pushed me to thanking God for what He has done for us. What a lovely song


Glory hallelujah he paid the price for me. Great singing 👍.
