Nothing Lasts Forever.


There are so many times when we stress ourselves over something that is not worth it but we just have to do so because we needed it at that moment.
Right now, I’ve been in search of a house here in Lagos for over five months. Is that surprising? I mean, five good months of trying to get a house that will be comfortable for me to live in.
House hunting in Lagos is not something easy so I just hope that I get what I want. There are times when these house agents will call you to come check a house. You might have been thinking that it will be a very good house especially the way it is always hyped but guess what, they will show you a house that does not even befit you in every way.

This is what these house agents keep doing to me all the time and it is really annoying. The crazy part of it is that they can’t just take you to a house without collecting some money. It is just like saying that you wasted their time at that moment of maybe they spent their time on you and they need to be paid for that.
This afternoon, a house agent called me and told me that I need to start getting ready. He mentioned that there is an house very close to my workplace here, the house is good, very neat and just like every man’s dream. I was really happy thinking that I will have my apartment today but guess what. The apartment was bad and if I am to compare it to the ones I have checked before, this is every badder and this not even somewhere that I can at least manage.
Mere looking at it, I was becoming irritated and that’s to show you how irritating the compound is. I started racking my brain thinking of why these agents show me poor houses. I then realized that it was my mode of dressing. I started thinking if I have to dress rich for people to know that I’m living fine so they won’t show me bad houses anymore. Has this or something like this ever happened to you? If yes, let’s enjoy these tunes together because no condition is permanent.

You can listen to this song. I really did not make too much findings about the artiste who owns the song but I just love the concept of the song that tough times do not last which is just the truth. Have it in mind that the condition you are in today will end someday no matter how long it takes. Nothing lasts forever!.

If you know J Cole, this is for you.

Just as he said in this song, nothing lasts forever and that’s just the basic truth about his whole thing. J Cole spoke the words in my mimd here coupled with how I’m living with people just to find a place to lay my head on.
This time may be tough but won’t last forever.
